Diagnosis of emissions and immissions – industrial metrology

EES has a division in charge of measurements related to the knowledge of environmental components. For facilities in the operation phase, our firm is equipped with devices that can perform measurements on energy efficiency as well as on the physical factors of the environment.

The division in charge of measurements provides:

  1. Atmospheric emission measurements (NOx, SOx and CO)
  2. Noise measurement according to the Codes of Good Practice
  3. Air quality measurements (NOx, SOx, BTEX and VOC)
  4. Aerial monitoring of linear projects by Drone
  5. Atmospheric emission dispersion modeling
  6. Modeling of the thermal feather
  7. Assistance in bringing combustion facilities (boilers, furnaces, diesel engines, etc.) into compliance with current standards
  8. Measurements of the physical factors of environment

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Environment, Health and Safety

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